Conférences et autres évènements

L'APEEE se garde le droit de ne pas publier certaines annonces qui ne seraient pas conformes à ses buts et/ou missions. L'APEEE ne contrôle en rien le contenu des annonces. L'APEEE se dégage de toute responsabilité concernant l'exactitude des informations contenues dans les annonces. L'APEEE ne pourra être tenue pour responsable en cas de problème au cours d'une transaction intervenue entre deux utilisateurs à la suite d'une annonce sur son site.

Samedi 14 décembre au Lycée français Jean Monnet: 10ème édition du Salon des études en France

  • Plus de 60 établissements d’enseignement supérieurs français (universités, grandes écoles, classes préparatoires, écoles supérieurs) de toutes disciplines. Sur notre site internet, vous pouvez retrouver toutes les écoles inscrites à ce jour:
  • Des conférences sur: les écoles d’ingénieurs, écoles de commerce, les prépas, Sciences Po, les écoles d’art, les métiers de la diplomatie, Dessin de presse et journalisme, sécurité/défense et une séquences sur les études en France. Planning des conférences disponible ici
  • Entrée libre et gratuite
  • Ouverture: 10h30-16h00
  • Adresse: Lycée français Jean Monnet - avenue du Lycée français 9, 1180 Uccle

Chargée de mission
Service de Coopération et d’Action Culturelle
Boulevard du Régent, 42 – 1000 Bruxelles (bureaux)
Rue Ducale, 65 – 1000 Bruxelles (adresse postale)
Tél: +32.(0)2.548.88.76

Studying in the Netherlands (organised by the British School of Brussels) - Thursday 5 December at 19.00

Join the Dutch University Consortium institutions for an information session about studying in the Netherlands. Learn about what options are available, how admissions and application work, how the notion of ‘fit’ is critical in your study choice process, and more.

Ask your questions to the panel of experts before being able to join the universities of your choice in their breakout rooms for more specific information about their programmes.

  • Part One: 'Uni in NL 101' panel
  • Part Two: Breakout into Zoom 'rooms' with the Dutch University Consortium member institutions

Register here:

Zoom link for the main session is:
Password: cL?4HT7z.

Links for the NL breakout sessions are in the attached document.

Thursday 3 October: International University Fair at The British School of Brussels

The poster for this 3 October event is HERE. The poster updates until a week before the event.

SRT, the company co-ordinating this event, ask all students coming to the fair to register beforehand by scanning the QR codes on the poster. SRT comply with all RGPD/GDPR standards. Another QR code will be issued after their registration, which will allow attendees to get in touch with the universities' representatives.

Mark Andrews
The British School of Brussels vzw
Pater Dupierreuxlaan 1 | 3080 Tervuren | Belgium
Tel: +32 (0)2 766 04 30

Samedi 28 septembre: Forum - Etudier à l'Etranger, Meet and Greet renowned Universities, Paris

Vous envisagez de partir étudier à l'étranger ou vous souhaitez simplement connaitre les opportunités qu'offrent les meilleures universités à l'étranger?

ULYSSES International Studies organise à Paris un évènement exclusif à ne surtout pas manquer : Le samedi 28 septembre, douze universités parmi les plus renommées au monde participeront au Forum "Meet and Greet renowned Universities". Les responsables de "recruitment" de ces universités échangeront avec vous en personne, répondront à vos questions sur les programmes, les critères de sélection, les procédures de candidature, ...

Cet événement en présentiel est gratuit. Il est accessible sur inscription à l'une des deux sessions. Pour vous permettre de rencontrer les représentants des universités dans les meilleures conditions, nous limiterons le nombre d'inscription. Alors, inscrivez-vous dès maintenant pour réserver votre place à une des deux sessions : 13h00-15h00, ou 15h30-17h30.

Lieu: Collège Sévigné, 28 rue Pierre Nicole, 75005 Paris

Les universités présentes:  University of Cambridge, Imperial College London, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), King's College London (KCL), University College London (UCL), University of Edinburgh, University of Warwick, Durham University, University of Bath, Bocconi University, UC Berkeley Dual degree programs et Sciences Po.

Pour vous inscrire:

Founder and Director
ULYSSES International Studies EIRL
+ 33 (0)

Saturday 28 September 2024: miniMUN at the Brussels School of Governance

EEB1 students aged 16-18 are invited to an upcoming miniMUN Conference at the Brussels School of Governance on 28 September. The organising committee has enthusiastically decided to open this experience again to high school students.

Two committees: Disarmament and International Security Committee – DISEC + NATO Crisis Committee.

Additional information and registration here. N.B. Experience in simulations like this one is required.

Faris Zebib
Pleinlaan 5 - 1050 Brussels

European University Fair 13 May 2024 at ISB

The International School of Brussels (ISB) is delighted to host a university fair on 13 May 2024 with over 60 visiting representatives from Europe and the UK. Discover a list of all participating universities here. Mark your calendars now!

If you have any questions, please reach out to

 ISB European University Fair poster

18/04/24 - CONFERENCE - Looking to the FUTURE of the European Schools drawing lessons from the PRESENT : let's discuss it with the Chairman of the Board of Governors!

In preparation for the spring 2024 meeting of the Board of Governors of the European Schools, RENOUVEAU et DEMOCRATIE - Union for Staff of the European Institutions has invited colleagues working in the EU Institutions to a web conference-debate with Antonio CENINI, Chairman of the Board of Governors.

The conference will be held on Thursday 18 April 2024 from 12.45 pm to 2.30 pm.


We invite you to send us the questions and issues you would like to see addressed at this conference using this form.

Kind regards

For any further information:
Aleksander KEDRA :
Marco PINO :

US College Writing sessions 'at' BSB in March

At 19.00 on the evenings of 11, 12 and 18 March 2024, David Hawkins of the University Guys will run US Writing Masterclasses for British School of Brussels (BSB) students on the Common App essay; Supplementary Essays and PIQs (Personal Insight Questions) for the University of California.

Students from other schools are welcome.

Via this Zoom link:

Oxbridge Evening at the British School of Brussels: 1 March 2024

If your son or daughter is considering making an application to the University of Oxford or the University of Cambridge, then the British School of Brussels is hosting an Oxbridge Information Evening which you are sure to find of interest. The event will be held on Friday 1 March 2024 from 19.00-20.30 in the Rubens Hall on campus.

Please 'buy' your free ticker here:


Speakers will be Dr Caroline Burt, Dr Richard Partington and Dr Mark Wormald. They will present on the universities of Oxford and Cambridge, especially what makes the education there distinctive. They will also cover the admissions process and what makes a strong application. There will be plenty of time for Q&A.

Caroline is the Director of Undergraduate Admissions at Pembroke College Oxford, where she is also a Tutor of History.

Richard is the Senior Tutor at St John's College Cambridge, where he also teaches medieval British politics.

Mark is Senior Tutor of Corpus Christi, Oxford and a Fellow and Tutor in Biochemistry and Chemistry. He is Admissions Co-ordinator for Biochemistry for the university.

Spectacle théâtral "L'Amico del Diavolo" (de P. De Filippo)

La troupe théâtrale "Il Berretto" présente son nouveau spectacle "L'Ami du Diable" de Peppino de Filippo, brillante comédie inspirée de "L'Avare" de Molière.

Un texte parsemé de gags comiques dans une histoire parfois amère et triste. "Faire pleurer les gens est moins difficile que faire rire," aimait à dire Peppino.
La mise en scène et la scénographie sont d'Ortensia Semoli.
Pour donner un caractère napolitain, le spectacle sera animé par une danse traditionnelle napolitaine, la Tarentelle.
La chorégraphie est d'Ilaria Coscione.

Vous êtes invité au Théâtre Mercelis du 21 au 24 février 2024 à 20h00 et le 25 février 2024 à 16h00.

La comédie en langue italienne sera accompagnée de sous-titres en français.
N'hésitez pas à en parler à votre amis, parents et connaissances.


Pour les groupes d'étudiants de plus de dix nous avons un prix de 10 EUR chacun.


Les bénéfices du service de bar seront reversés à Emergency.

Four University Events at the British School of Brussels in November 2023

Thursday, 16 November | 19.00-20.30 | Brel Theatre and Rubens Hall tbc
World Class Study in London: A Presentation on Studying at University in Canada followed by a University Fair. The participating universities are: Imperial College London; London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE); and University College London (UCL).
Imperial College London
LSE Home
UCL - London's Global University
Please get your free ticket here:

Monday, 20 November | 19.00-20.30 | Brel Theatre and Rubens Hall tbc
Canada Night: A Presentation on Studying at University in Canada followed by a University Fair. Participating universities, so far confirmed:
Bishop’s University
Concordia University
McGill University
Queen’s University
University of Toronto
York University
Please get your free ticket here:

Thursday, 23 November | 19.00-20.30 | Brel Theatre & Rubens Hall tbc (Year 10-13)
European Universities Consortium (EUC) Fair
Attending: Bocconi University (Milan); Brussels School of Governance (formerly known as Vesalius College); Constructor University (formerly known as Jacobs University, Bremen); IE University (Madrid); EHL Hospitality Business School (École hôtelière de Lausanne).
Please get your free ticket here: 

Wednesday, 29 November | 19.00-20.30 | Zoom (Year 10-13)
Netherlands Universities Information Evening
There will be a ‘Study in The Netherlands’ presentation with Q&A followed by the opportunity to attend individual Chat Sessions with the following universities:
Eindhoven University of Technology
Erasmus University Rotterdam
Hotelschool The Hague
HZ University of Applied Sciences
Leiden University
Maastricht University
Tilburg University
University College Roosevelt
University College Utrecht
The Registration link is here:

University of Scotland at The International School of Brussels and ESADE - Monday 20 November 2023

Monday 20 November - Scottish Universities - After School 15h30 - 17h30
Commons 200
The following Universities from Scotland will be present after school
Abertay University
Stirling University
University of Glasgow

Monday 20 November - ESADE - After School 17h00 - 18h00
MPR 222 (High School)
An evening presentation on Monday, 20 November from 17:00-18:00. A registration link for students/families to sign up: ESADE Information Session November 20th at 17:00pm (

Two University Events at the British School of Brussels on 8 and 9 November

Wednesday, 8 November | 19.00-20.00 Brussels Time | via Zoom
Ireland Universities Admission Panel. A panel of experts will present on the key issues related to applying and studying in Ireland
There will be time for Q&A.
Declan Coogan, Associate Director for Student Recruitment, Trinity College Dublin
Anthony Maude, Student Recruitment Officer, Dublin City University
Emma Daly, School Liaison Officer. Shannon College of Hotel Management
They will be discussing all aspects of Irish Higher Education, including: application, entry requirements, accommodation, finance, and student life.
Join Zoom Meeting:
Here is the recording from the Ireland Information session:

Thursday,  9 November  | 19.00-20.00 Brussels Time | Online through connectED
BSB World University Fair. Please see the attached flyer for a list of universities (so far) and the sign-up link.
There will be 37+ universities from UK, Belgium, Netherlands, Spain, Germany, Canada, Switzerland and France
This will take all students & parents to register an account with connectED, which will just take a couple of minutes as will require them to fill out a few details to set up their profile.
Then on the night itself they can also come back via the same link, login and head to the virtual fair tab on the connectED page.

For further information:
The British School of Brussels vzw
Pater Dupierreuxlaan 1 | 3080 Tervuren | Belgium
Tel: +32 (0)2 766 0430

Brussels School of Governance Open Day - 21 October 2023

We are kindly inviting European School I students and parents to our Open Day – Fall 2023, 21 October (14h-18h) – on campus!

You may download our poster here and share it at your school.
For more details and registration, please see here.

Looking forward to welcoming you and our students to our campus.

UK and AUS/NZ Uni Events at the British School of Brussels

Tuesday, 10 October | 19.00-20.00 | via Zoom (Year 10-13)
UK Universities Admission Panel. A panel of experts will present on the key issues related to applying and studying in the UK
There will be time for Q&A
Mike Nicholson: Director of Recruitment, Admissions and Participation, The University of Cambridge
Caroline Halling: Head of International Student Recruitment, The University of Essex
Dai Evans: Regional Manager, The University of Cardiff
Doug Thompson: Regional Manager, The University of Edinburgh
Join Zoom Meeting:

Wednesday, 11 October | 19.00-20.30 | Brel Theatre (Year 10-13)
Studying at University in Australia and New Zealand. Stefan Watts of Study Options will present.
There will be time for Q&A.
Book your free ticket here: TicketGang-ticketverkoop

Wébinaires: Etudier à l'Etranger, meet renowned universities!

Etudier au Royaume-Uni, meet UK renowned Universities!
Avec University of Cambridge, University of Warwick, University of Bath, University College London, London School of Economics,  University of Edinburgh, King’s College London
Mardi 10 octobre 2023 de 19h00 à 20h30 - S'ENREGISTRER ICI

Etudier à Bocconi, Mythes et Réalités!
Avec University of Bocconi
Mardi 17 octobre 2023 de 19h00 à 20h00 - S'ENREGISTRER ICI

Etudier aux Pays-Bas en 2024, les Informations Clés!
Avec Leiden University, Erasmus University College, University of Amsterdam
Jeudi 19 Octobre 2023 de 19h00 à 20h00 - S'ENREGISTRER ICI

Comment rédiger un Personal Statement excellent?
Avec Jane Marshall, une experte renommée avec plus de 23 ans d’expérience
Jeudi 9 novembre de 19h00 à 20h00 - S'ENREGISTRER ICI


Qui sommes-nous?
ULYSSES International Studies est un bureau de conseil indépendant en études à l’étranger. UIS est en particulier spécialisé dans les études au Royaume-Uni et aux Pays-Bas. C’est un centre agréé UCAS. Mariët Robert, fondatrice de UIS, est Franco-Néerlandaise, British Council Education Counselor et CIS Affiliated Consultant. Nos services ULYSSES Online Learning, Service Spécifiques & Co-Pilotage, accompagnements de jeunes étudiants tout au long du processus de candidature Accompagnement A-Z.

Warwick university at BSB on 27 September 2023

Wednesday, 27 September 2023 | 19.00-20.30 | Brel Theatre.

Join University of Warwick representative Abby Hannan for this interactive session on what UK higher education has to offer after Brexit, funding opportunities, interdisciplinary learning and how to get a place at a top university! (No ticketing required)

The British School of Brussels vzw
Pater Dupierreuxlaan 1 | 3080 Tervuren | Belgium
Tel: +32 (0)2 766 0430

" : Conférence iPad" - Bruxelles, 14/01/2023

La prochaine conférence de aura lieu à Bruxelles en collaboration avec les associations ADHD, ASC & LD Belgium et Coeur à Corps ASBL.

Comme les tablettes et les fonctionnalités Text to Speech et Speech to Text sont maintenant autorisées dans la nouvelle politique européenne de soutien scolaire, nous espérons que de nombreux parents d'élèves DYS viendront apprendre comment un outil numérique peut aider leur enfant à l'école pour son apprentissage.

Je vais vous expliquer comment la tablette numérique (et plus généralement tout outil informatique) peut compenser le handicap invisible des élèves DYS.
❓Comment la tablette peut-elle compenser les difficultés de lecture, d'orthographe et d'écriture manuscrite?
❓ Comment peut-elle aider les élèves à s'organiser et à minimiser la procrastination?
❓ Comment peut-elle aider un élève dyslexique à accéder à la littérature?
❓ Quel est le rôle des enseignants?
❓ Comment les enseignants peuvent-ils soutenir un élève sur un iPad?

Plus d'informations/Inscription :

Magali Netrval, VP