Cette édition du NewsFlash n'est disponible qu'en Anglais








Brian Goggins, new School Director

The APEEE President and Vice-President Pedagogy had the opportunity to meet the new School Director, Mr. Brian Goggins, during the first days of school. They found him refreshingly frank, open and proactive, and are extremely optimistic about the prospect of working closely with him.  Photos and bio of Mr Goggins to follow soon.

László Molnárfi and Bianca Cuevas, new Presidency of the Students’ Committee

László Molnárfi (S6HUA) and Bianca Cuevas (S6DE) were elected Presidents of the Pupils’ Committee in October.

The Pupils’ Committee of EEB1 works to represent students at all levels.  László and Bianca want to turn it into a strong and independent organisation that represents students interests, not just by pushing for local change in EEB1, but by radically pushing for democracy and reform in the educational system as a whole.

Their programme is available here.

More information: cdeseleves@gmail.com

Help wanted: get involved in the APEEE!

The APEEE is looking for parents volunteers for its Working Groups on Wellbeing and Pedagogy, as well as for Coordination of the Data Protection Task Force.  Interested?  Please click here for further information.

APEEE letter to Minister Jan Jambon on Gutenberg plumbing

The APEEE sent a formal letter to Jan Jambon, Vice Prime Minister of Belgium, (with Commissioner Öttinger and the Permanent Representatives of the EU Member States in copy) urging the Régie to fix the Gutenberg toilets after several years’ delay.  We have as yet received no reply.  The APEEE will keep following the issue closely.

Highlights from recent APEEE meetings

  • The APEEE Board of Directors recently approved the Guidelines for Amendments to the Statutes to include Berkendael and SWALS  The agreement implies a total of 26 Board members (with voting rights), including 17 members from Uccle (1 SWALS + 2 from each language section covering respectively maternelle/primary and secondary), 5 members from Berkendael and 4 members elected in their personal capacity by popular vote at the General Assembly. The legal working group will prepare the formal amendment to the Statutes that will have to be approved by a General Assembly. The amendment will include a sunset clause in case Berkendael in the future becomes an independent European school. Realistically, the change will at the earliest enter into force from the 2019-2020 school year.
  • Representatives at the Board of Directors meeting voted overwhelmingly to approve the new financial procedures for giving grants for projects.  In practice, this means that the APEEE will make an annual (or semi-annual) call for projects from members of the school community based on a clearly articulated set of criteria. Projects will be decided on by a panel or by the Board of Directors itself.  There are also special urgent and simplified procedures. It is hoped that these procedures will make APEEE spending more transparent and will encourage more people from across the school community to apply.

 APEEE Financial procedure to award funding on school-related projects
APEEE Award-funding - Annex 1 - Information to be submitted by applicants
 APEEE Award-funding - Annex 2 - Annual funding award calendar
 APEEE Award-funding - Annex 3 - Criteria for awarding funding


Eurêka: open every Thursday and Friday in October and November

Eurêka, the lost and found service, will be open every Thursday (11h30 – 14h00) and every Friday (11h30 – 13h30) this October and November, with one exceptional week in November:

Monday 5 November: All Saint’s Holiday – closed
Tuesday 6 November: “Journée Carnets Scolaires” – open non-stop 7h50-16h00
Wednesday 7 November: closed
Thursday 8 November: open 11h30-14h00
Friday 9 November: closed

For those of you new to the school, Eurêka is located in the basement of the Erasmus building.  There is a separate entrance at the end of the building facing the Fabiola entrance.

Here are the latest list and video of found items:

Send your children or come yourself! The unrecovered items will be donated to charities after one year at Eurêka's premises.


20/10/2018: ADHD–ASC–DYSLEXIA 10th Annual Bilingual Awareness Conference

You can still reserve a place for the ADHD-DYSLEXIA-AUTISM SPECTRUM Awareness Conference "Removing the Barriers to Achievement" (see Programme). Simultaneous Translation will be offered throughout the day (EN-FR & FR-EN).

 Conference brochure
Registration Form

24/10/2018: The British School of Brussels – Higher Education Fair and Information Evening

Dear S5-S7 Parents,

For those of you with children interested in attending UK or European universities, you are warmly invited to BSB’s University Fair on 24 October.

Please see flyer for further information.  Free admission.

24/10/2018: TeenTalks

Dear Parents,

We’d like to invite your teenagers to the next TeenTalks organised by Full Circle TeenClub. Full programme of talks, films, debates for TEENS and events for parents: see www.fullcircle.eu

Wednesday 24 October 2018, 4:30 pm - 6:00 pm
Speaker: Oli Mould, Human Geographer

Audience: TeenTalks are for 14-18 year olds
Language: Talk & discussion are in English
Location: Full Circle House, Chaussée de Vleurgat 89, Ixelles 1050
Fee: €100/Annual Season Pass or €5/Session
Registration: https://fullcircle15.wildapricot.org/event-3076254
Contact: teenclub@fullcircle.eu

We talk a lot about the value of creativity and its value in our studies, the arts, and working life, but what if all that talk were misguided? Oli Mould thinks it might just be.

Join us to hear about why this expert in urbanism and geography thinks we need to move away from our fixation with creativity. Listen to his thoughts on why the whole concept of creativity is overrated and counter-productive, and find out how an alternative approach could lead to fairer cities and happier lives. 

II Concurso literario internacional Vive la Ñ

In Spanish only

Estimados estudiantes y profesores de español,

Nos ponemos en contacto con ustedes para informarles del II Concurso literario internacional Vive la Ñ, destinado a estudiantes de español de 12 a 17 años. (condiciones y bases en documento adjunto)

Como recompensa a los ganadores ofrecemos un primer premio que consiste en una estancia de 15 días en Vive la Ñ campamento internacional de verano de inmersión en español en España con todos los gastos pagados por un valor de 1450€ (solamente los billetes de avión desde la ciudad de origen hasta Alicante corren a cargo del alumno) y un segundo premio con un descuento del 50% sobre el precio del campamento.

Creemos que este certamen puede ser interesante para sus alumnos. Además de ser divertido y educativo con esta iniciativa queremos colaborar en la difusión del español entre los estudiantes internacionales.

El plazo para enviar la inscripción por correo electrónico es hasta el 10 de enero de 2019.

¡Esperamos que se animen a participar!

Vive la Ñ Campamento internacional

 Vive la N - Guidelines 2019
 II concurso literario internacional 2019


Donate: Cuba - Our new world of music!


We are students - and talented musicians - from the European School of Brussels 1. We're in our last year of school, and follow the music advanced course. We are (from left to right in the picture): Astrid (soprano, piano and guitar), Juan (piano), Nicholas (bass, piano), Mia (alto, piano), Kat (mezzo soprano, percussion, piano) and last but not least Benjamin (guitar)!

From 24 October to 1 November we are going on a musical journey to Cuba, where we will participate in intensive music courses (5 hours a day)  held by Cuban music teachers.

The price per student is 1.200 EUR including flights, accommodation and all the activities.  Our goal is to raise at least 600 EUR each.  Can you help us?

If you could contribute with even a small amount to help raise funds for our trip, it would really mean the world to us! Please see our flyer if you feel like making a donation.  Thank you so much in advance!

Volunteer: appel à des familles volontaires dans le cadre d'un projet de recherche de l'ULB

In French only

Le Centre de Recherche en Cognition et Neurosciences de l'ULB réalise une étude scientifique sur la perception musicale chez les enfants présentant un trouble de l'acquisition de la lecture (dyslexie).

L’étude a pour but d'explorer les liens entre les capacités de lecture et les capacités musicales chez les enfants normo-lecteurs et chez les enfants dyslexiques. Différents exercices musicaux et langagiers sont proposés à l'enfant au cours de deux séances d'une durée de 1h et 2h respectivement. Il s'agit de tests comportementaux administrés par un expérimentateur et réalisés soit sur papier, soit sur ordinateur. Ils incluent des tests portant sur les capacités de lecture et d'écriture, les capacités de langage, la perception auditive et les habilités musicales.

Dans ce cadre, l'ULB recherche des enfants diagnostiqués comme dyslexiques, âgés de 8 à 12 ans, francophones et scolarisés en français, ainsi que des enfants de 3ème maternelle présentant un risque familial de dyslexie.

Intéressé?  Plus d'informations et contacts dans ce flyer.

Volunteer: casting de comédien pour long-métrage

In French only

Adk-Kasting recherche le premier rôle du long-métrage de Stéphane Xhrouët.

Nous faisons appel aux écoles internationales car le garçon en question doit pouvoir parler allemand et français.

Pour plus d’informations voir l’annonce ou consulter le site Adk-Kasting.

D’avance merci.

ICYMI – In Case You Missed It

Meet your APEEE representatives!

Dear Parents,

Your representatives to the APEEE have been elected at the September/October class meetings.

Your four parent class reps make up the building blocks of the APEEE council and parent representation within the school, as well as the backbone of intra-class relations. A brief description of the role of class reps can be found below.

 About Class Representatives - Uccle
 About Class Representatives - Berkendael

If you wish to know the elected representatives in your classes, please contact the APEEE secretariat: info@uccleparents.org

The meeting to elect section representatives will take place on 8 November 2018.

60th Anniversary Umbrellas on sale

The APEEE will be selling EEBI 60th Anniversary Commemorative Umbrellas at Autumn parent meetings in order to raise money for needed infrastructure projects (i.e. benches and other seating areas) on the Uccle campus.

Please support the APEEE and the school by picking up an umbrella at the next event you attend, or at the APEEE Secretariat during working hours.

Price (cash only):

  • compact umbrellas (plain blue or white with logo) = 5 EUR
  • large umbrellas (blue or green with logo) = 10 EUR – Sold out!

We welcome your comments and feedback! The APEEE Team - info@uccleparents.org