New date for election of Section Representatives
Dear Class Representatives in Uccle and Berkendael,
please be informed that the meeting of Class Representatives originally scheduled for Tuesday 12 November 2024 has been rescheduled to Thursday 28 November 2024 in conjunction with the APEEE General Assembly. On that occasion you will be able to confirm/elect your Section Representatives. More information and a draft agenda will follow after the All Saints' holidays.
Invitation to Information Session “The APEEE and INTERPARENTS” – Saturday, 5 October 2024, 14:00-17:00
Dear members of the APEEE Brussels I, you are cordinally invited to an information session organised by our Association on Saturday 5 October 2024, at the EEB1 Uccle Site from 14h00-17h00. Our first incentive to organise this, as a Parent Association, is to welcome all of you, in particular (but not exclusively) our new parents! The main focus of this event is to inform you about the various discussions on the future of the European Schools developed within INTERPARENTS, the umbrella Association of the APEEEs of all European Schools. You can consult the Programme of the event here: http://www.uccleparents.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/Programme-APEEE-event-2024-10-05.pdf Please register before Wednesday, 2 October 2024 EOB: https://www.eventbrite.fr/e/information-session-the-apeee-and-interparents-registration-1028752054087?aff=oddtdtcreator -
EURÊKA is back!
Dear Uccle Parents,
As most of you already know, EURÊKA is a lost & found service operated by a group of APEEE parent volunteers. It allows all students at Uccle to find, whenever possible, their lost items such as clothing and sports equipment. It is located in the basement of the building Erasmus.
The first openings of EURÊKA for this new school year will be on:
- Thursday 5 September, 11.30-14.00
- Friday 6 September, 11.30-14.15
We ask parents wishing to access the service to please register via the following registration form: https://www.eventbrite.be/e/eureka-registration-form-formulaire-dinscription-eureka-tickets-309741714807
More information on EURÊKA’s webpage or EURÊKA’s Instagram account.