Parent Representatives
Parents are represented in the APEEE and in other school bodies at several levels. Our parent representatives work closely with each other to serve parents in their classes and in their Sections. They also contribute to the larger work of the APEEE Board, the school's Education Councils and undertake other volunteer activities.
Class Representatives
During the Autumn parent meetings called by the school, the parents of each class must elect four Class Representatives for a one-year mandate. These Representatives form the basis of the APEEE.
Dates of Class Elections 2024-2025 - By Date
- Monday 2 September 2024: 18.30-20.30: Uccle MAT-P1 + P2EN + P2IT
- Tuesday 3 September 2024: 13.00-13.45: Berkendael MAT-P1
- Tuesday 17 September 2024: 18.00-18.45: Berkendael P2-P3
- Thursday 19 September 2024: 18.00-18.45: Berkendael P4-P5
- Monday 23 September 2024: 18.00-20.00: Uccle S1-S2-S3
- Tuesday 24 September 2024: 18.30-21.00: Uccle P2
- Tuesday 24 September 2024: 19.15-21.45: Uccle P3
- Thursday 26 September 2024: 18.30-21.00: Uccle P4
- Thursday 26 September 2024: 19.15-21.45: Uccle P5
- Monday 30 September 2024: 18.00-20.00: Uccle S4-S5-S6-S7
Dates of Class Elections 2024-2025 - By Class
- MAT-P1 + P2EN + P2IT: Monday 2 September 2024, 18.30-20.30
- P2: Tuesday 24 September 2024, 18.30-21.00
- P3: Tuesday 24 September 2024, 19.15-21.45
- P4: Thursday 26 September 2024, 18.30-21.00
- P5: Thursday 26 September 2024, 19.15-21.45
- S1-S2-S3: Monday 23 September 2024, 18.00-20.00
- S4-S5-S6-S7: Monday 30 September 2024, 18.00-20.00
- MAT-P1: Tuesday 3 September 2024, 13.00-13.45
- P2-P3: Tuesday 17 September 2024, 18.00-18.45
- P4-P5: Thursday 19 September 2024, 18.00-18.45
Election Procedure for Class Representatives
For a summary of the election procedure, see our Elections Vademecum:
APEEE Elections Vademecum 2024-2025 EN / FR
If you wish to know the elected Representatives in your class, please contact the APEEE Secretariat: |
Section Representatives
In early November, the APEEE calls a meeting for all Class Representatives from each language Section at Uccle and Berkendael to select Section Representatives from amongst their number. Each Section elects a team representing the Section in various bodies:
- For Uccle and Berkendael: a Nursery-Primary Representative to the APEEE Board (CA) for a two-year mandate
- For Uccle: a Secondary Representative to the APEEE Board (CA) for a two-year mandate
- For Uccle and Berkendael: a Nursery-Primary Representative to the Primary Education Council (CE) for a one-year mandate
- For Uccle: a Secondary Representative to the Secondary Education Council (CE) for a one-year mandate
- Deputies are also elected for each of these posts
- The SWALS also select an APEEE Board member as well as a Representative to each of the Education Councils in Uccle.
Section Representatives 2024-2025
The contact information for elected Representatives from each language Section can be found on the lists for the APEEE Board (CA) and Education Councils (CEs):
APEEE Board (CA) 2024-2025
APEEE Representatives to Uccle Education Council (CE) Primary 2024-2025
APEEE Representatives to Uccle Education Council (CE) Secondary 2024-2025
APEEE Representatives to Berkendael Education Council (CE) 2024-2025
You may also find a complete list of current Section Representatives at Uccle and Berkendael below.
Section Representatives from Uccle and Berkendael elected to APEEE Board (CA) and EEB1 Education Councils 2024-2025
Section Representatives from Uccle elected to the APEEE Board (CA) and to the Education Councils (CE) 2024-2025
Section representatives from Berkendael elected to APEEE Board (CA) and to the Berkendael Education Council (CE) 2024-2025
Role of Parent Representatives
The role of Class Representatives is twofold: to coordinate class communications and activities and to liaise with the APEEE.
As a class coordinator, the Class Representative:
- creates and updates an address, telephone and email list of class students
- relays communication between teachers and parents, for instance in Primary by helping the teacher find parents to accompany pupils on outings, keep the class accounts, etc.
- organises festive occasions in class (breakfasts or parties) or outside of class, especially around Christmas time and at the end of the year
- deals with any problems that arise at class level by seeking to maintain contact with the class teacher as well as by organising parent meetings if need be. In case the difficulty persists, Class Representatives can contact their language Section Representative on the APEEE Board to ask for advice or to seek intervention if necessary
As an APEEE liaison, the Class Representative:
- elects the members from the language Section to the APEEE Board and Section Representatives to the school Primary and Secondary Education Councils
- acts as a contact point between the parents in the class and the Section Representatives in the APEEE and Education Councils. This includes relaying communication from the APEEE and Section Representatives to the class, forwarding parents’ questions and suggestions to Section Representatives and also participating in key meetings organised by the language Section or by the APEEE
- helps coordinate class participation in the School Fête
Section Representatives sit on the APEEE Board and optionally also on the Education Councils and act as the privileged interlocutors of the Class Representatives. They handle problems which affect the whole Section, site or school and which relate to the quality of education or other aspects of school life.
As a group, Section Representatives:
- coordinate communication on recent developments to all parents in the section via Class Representatives
- gather and communicate the views of the Section on a variety of pedagogic and school life issues
- represent the Section's interests and concerns to teachers, the school administration and the inspectorate
- consult with and advise Class Representatives and escalate issues to the level of the direction and/or APEEE Presidency or Board when necessary
- oversee Section participation in the School Fête
Useful Documents
The following documents are intended to support Representatives in their work:
Charter for Parent-Representatives in the APEEE Brussels I EN / FR
Procedures for creating/updating Class Contact List EN / FR
Template for creating/updating Class Contact List
Guidelines of good practice for internal communication within Sections
Last update: 10/12/2024