Replacement of Teachers
Primary Interlocutor: PedGroup
EEBI parents have in recent years voiced growing concern about the extent of cancelled lessons (lost teaching hours) in the secondary cycle due to non-placed teacher absences. Parents’ concerns were confirmed by the EEBI Whole School Inspection in May 2018, which gave the school management a low performance score on the quality assurance criteria related to “effective use of teaching time, including replacements”. The school management is supposed to improve the replacement situation before a foreseen follow-up inspection in May 2020.
The APEEE’s objective on replacements (endorsed by the APEEE Board) is that the cancellation of lessons (lost teaching hours) due to non-replaced teacher absences should be kept at a minimum to minimise the negative impact on the academic development of the pupils. The main concern of the APEEE is the extent of non-replaced planned absences (meetings, training, excursions, trips). The APEEE acknowledges and accepts that it may be difficult for the school management to find replacement teachers with very short notice in cases of unforeseen absences (sudden sickness, accident).
The APEEE will continue to pursue its objective on replacements, primarily via the EEB1 Education Council for Secondary, the EEB1 School Advisory Council and the EEB1 Administrative Board.
For more detailed information, including replacement statistics, please contact your section representative in the school’s Education Council for Secondary or your section representative in the APEEE Board.
Supporting Documents
APEEE: Note on the Formal Replacement Rules in the Secondary Cycle (September 2019)
OSGES: Pinck Memo on the application of Article 38 in the Regulations for Members of the Seconded Staff in the European Schools (1998)
Board of Governors: Report of the Working Group on Teacher Replacement (2005-D-132-EN-4; April 2005)
OSGES: Article 38 in the Regulations for Members of the Seconded Staff in the European Schools (2011-04-D-14-en-11)
OSGES: Article 31.7 and Annex 2. Service Regulations for the Locally Recruited Teachers in the European Schools (2016-05-D-11-en-6)
See also: Pedagogical Working Group (PedGroup)
Last update: 16/07/2020