
The APEEE’s Board is made up of 31 members who are each elected for two years from among the class representatives. It is composed as follows:

  • 16 members selected as Section Representatives, one Nursery-Primary representative and one Secondary representative per language section of the Uccle site;
  • 8 members selected as Section Representatives per language section of the Berkendael site;
  • 1 member selected by the SWALS;
  • 4 members elected directly by the General Assembly.

The functions of the Administrative Board are as follows:

  • to implement the decisions taken by the General Assembly
  • to facilitate relations between parents and the school administration, higher instances and other stakeholders (e.g. teachers, students, inspectorate)
  • to balance the interests of parents in different the language sections and cycles
  • to organise working groups and task forces

The Administratve Board also chooses from among its membership the parent delegates to send to different school bodies.

Board Representation Structure

The following is a visual overview of the APEEE Board’s representation structure, including the election process and delegation of its members to EEBI school committees and European Schools bodies--or check out our Cheat Sheet!

APEEE Cheat Sheet

APEEE Presidency and Bureau

The Administrative Board nominates an eight-member Bureau every two years to manage the daily running of the parents’ association. The Bureau is headed by the APEEE President and three Vice Presidents who manage the different branches of the APEEE. The Bureau is the daily decision making body of the APEEE and oversees the functioning of APEEE's working groups, task forces and secretariat to ensure that the decisions of the APEEE Board are duly carried out.

The current members of the Bureau are:


Vice-President for Berkendael
Delphine HÉBERT
Vice-President in charge of Pedagogy & Uccle Secondary

Vice-President in charge of Administration & Uccle Primary

Viktor HAUK


Deputy Secretary
Sandrine PIERLOZ


The current Bureau will serve until December 2025.

Board Members

A list of elected representatives to the APEEE Administrative Board (CA) from December 2023 to December 2025 is available below; the list includes also the additional roles that each undertakes as part of their commitment.

Importantly, the APEEE Board meetings can also be attended by CA deputies as well as Section Representatives to the EEBI Educational Councils (CEs) and their deputies. This group of Board observers or "attendees" are also encouraged to join working groups or serve as delegates on behalf of the APEEE. This ensures broad representation and a distribution of work across more shoulders. You can find a list of those who play an additional role in the APEEE or in other bodies at bottom.

The full lists of elected representatives to the APEEE CA and EEBI CEs are available here in PDF:

APEEE Board (CA) 2023-2025
Uccle CE APEEE 2023-2024
Berkendael CE APEEE 202-2024

See also: Parent Representatives

APEEE Administrative Board for 2023-2025

Name APEEE Internal Role
APEEE Delegate
BOROS Agnes (HU Prim Uccle)
DALSGAARD Hjørdis Virgarsdottir (DK Sec Uccle) Uccle Secondary CE
DVORSKY Marek (SK Berkendael) Berkendael Safety & Hygiene Committee
EVANGELISTA Gladys (GA elected) Central Enrolment Authority


GERHARDT Maria (DE Prim Uccle)
GIOKARIS Dimitris (EL Berkendael)
GUITART Marc (GA elected)
HAUK Viktor (GA elected) Bureau Member - Treasurer

Solidarity Fund Committee

HÉBERT Delphine (FR Berkendael) Vice President for Berkendael Berkendael CE

Berkendael Safety & Hygiene Committee (deputy)

KALOGERAS Nathalie (FR Sec Uccle) Vice President in charge of Pedagogy & Uccle Secondary Uccle Secondary CE
KEIDEL Andreas (DE Berkendael)
KOFOED Pia (DK Prim Uccle)
MARIÑO ENRÍQUEZ Alba (ES Berkendael)
MARTELLI Sara (IT Berkendael)
MATIČ Andrej (SWALS Uccle)
MILANO Sara (IT Sec Uccle) Bureau Member - Secretary
MILEVA Kremena (EN Prim Uccle)
NAGY Miklos (HU Sec Uccle)
OSTROVSKIS Gundars (LV Berkendael) APEEE Project Call Financial Advisor
PAPA Valentina (EN Sec Uccle)
PIERLOZ Sandrine (FR Prim Uccle) Bureau Member - Deputy Secretary
RAMÍREZ PÉREZ Sigfrido (ES Sec Uccle) President EEBI Administrative Board

EEBI School Advisory Council

Groupe de Suivi


ROSINI Nadia (IT Prim Uccle) Vice President in charge of Administration & Uccle Primary EEBI Administrative Board

EEBI School Advisory Council

Uccle Primary CE

SCHARF-KROENER Claire (DE Sec Uccle)
TYMOWSKI Jan (PL Sec Uccle) Legal Working Group Coordinator
VILLEGAS BURGOS Javier (GA elected) Uccle Primary CE

Uccle Safety & Hygiene Committee (deputy)

WILSON Alex (EN Berkendael) CE Internal Procedures

Board Observers with Key Roles for 2023-2024

Name  APEEE Internal Role APEEE Delegate
BARRAL Magali Legal WG Respect et Propreté Working Group (deputy)
BEIGBEDER Noémie Well Being WG

PedGroup - Digital Learning & Educational Technology
IP Group


Uccle Safety & Hygiene Committee (deputy)

BOATI Talia PedGroup Coordinator - STEM

WellBeing - Smartphone Task force, CyberBullying

School Communication Policy Working Group

Mobile Phone Policy Working Group

CALVO RAMOS Santiago Uccle Safety & Hygiene Committee
CHAITKIN Samantha PedGroup - Languages Group - Quality Control Respect et Propreté Working Group
DAGOSTINI Sara WellBeing - Group Coordinator, Child protection Task force, Mental health, parents conferences Child Protection

Respect et Propreté Working Group

ENGELS-PERENYI Klára APEEE Mobility Coordinator
GRAY Brian Solidarity Fund Committee (external advisor)
HACKBART Bartosz Central Enrolment Authority (Berkendael deputy)
JUSTICIA Carlos  PedGroup - Sport Refurbishment of basketball court
KEDRA Aleksander PedGroup - STEM (coordinator) Science Festival
KERNAN Fiona Science Festival
MATZKE Sven PedGroup - Educational Support (coordinator) INTERPARENTS + OSGES WG/IP WG (Educational Support)
O’CONNOR Kevin Green School
RAPACZ Piotr Green School
SANDU Ioana PedGroup - Secondary Trips, Projects & Project Weeks Group (coordinator) Secondary Trips, Projects, & Project Weeks
SAVOIA-KELETI Emese Legal WG - Intellectual Property / Data Protection INTERPARENTS Data Protection WG
SAVOVA-PEYREBRUNE Margarita  PedGroup - Gifted Children (coordinator) INTERPARENTS Gifted Children
SERRAO Laura Central Enrolment Authority (Berkendael)
SZABO Krisztina WellBeing - Deputy Coordinator, Substance abuse and prevention/Mindfulness Addiction Prevention and Abuse Working Group / Drug Policy Task Force
VANYOLOS Istvan PedGroup - Primary Trips Group (coordinator) Classes Transplantées

Last update: 22/01/2024