Private lessons
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- Hello, my name is Silvia and I am an Italian teacher in a primary school with many years of experience. I offer to give tutoring, homework help and study techniques for Italian classes in the European primary and secondary school of the first cycle. For more information, write to me at
- I am Biology tutor with MSc, PhD (in biological sciences) with considerable teaching and research experience in Cell Biology and Toxicology at University of Burdwan, India, for a period of more than a decade. For the last couple of years, I was working as a post-doctoral researcher at the Department of Biomolecular Medicine, Ghent University and I am living in Koekelberg, Brussels, Belgium with an unlimited resident and work permit. Prior to my relocation to Belgium with my family, I was working as an Assistant Professor in Zoology in The University of Burdwan, West Bengal, India, being employed for over a period of 11 years. This helped me to work in a structured way and to have thoroughness while executing my plans. My long teaching, research and supervising career so far have taught me to be more approachable and cooperative and to lead a team with utmost sincerity. English has been the primary language for communication throughout my career. Recently I have also cleared the B2 level of French proficiency. You can contact me at Dr. Sumedha Roy,, +32 474 096 881.
Born in Scotland and raised in Rome, Ian Rigillo decided to become a musician while majoring in philosophy at the University of Sussex in England. Once back in Rome, he studied jazz guitar at the Saint Louis College of Music and found work as a teacher at St George's British International School and at the Deutsche Schule Rom. Ian quickly decided that he loved sharing his passion for the guitar and music in general with children and adults and continued to teach privately and in schools while performing and recording his music. He then decided to graduate from the Academie de Musique de Schaerbeek in Brussels and started working as a guitar teacher at the Internationale Deutsche Schule Brüssel and at the European School Brussels III.To date, Ian has recorded 3 albums and produced 1. He has been teaching children and adults of different nationalities for over 20 years in French, English and Italian.He specialises in the RSL Awards programme (the first British music school to offer graded exams in popular music) and is therefore happy to offer a prestigious and effective programme for students wishing to obtain internationally recognised certificates, as well as tailor-made lessons for those who simply want to enjoy playing the guitar.For more information and visual and audio material please visit:
- Enseignant de musique périscolaire disponible
Je m'appelle Matteo, je suis musicien et aussi un ancien étudiant de EEBII. Je suis diplômé depuis un an au conservatoire de Bruxelles et je suis à la recherche de travail comme professeur particulier de musique. Je suis spécialisé en guitare basse, cours d'harmonie et solfège. Si vous êtes à la recherche de quelqu'un toute suite ou pour l'année prochaine, n'hésitez pas à me contacter. Je pourrais aussi aider avec des classes de musique 'collectives'. Matteo Genovese,
- Private lessons in Mathematics and Physics
Hello, my name is Nikolai Lavroff. I am a French/Irish ex-student of EEB3 offering private lessons in Mathematics and Physics in person or online and in English OR French.
I have been giving private lessons in maths and physics on and off since I left EEB3 and have plenty of my own personal resources to help secondary students at all levels and especially 6th and 7th year students.About me:
- I obtained the EB (L1 English) in 2017. Overall grade of 89%, physics: 95%, maths 5: 89%.
- 2017-2020: Bachelor's in Physics from the University of Manchester, first class honours.
-2021-2023: Master's in Physics from the Université Libre de Bruxelles, avec distinction.Don't hesitate to get in contact with me at +32471116416 (whatsapp as well) or by email: Thank you.
- Soutien Bac de français et options Philosophie, Littérature, Histoire-Géographie, SES et Concours d’entrée IEP-Sciences Po Paris
Je m’appelle Inès, je suis française et actuellement en deuxième année de Master Global Studies à Ghent University en Belgique. J'ai obtenu mon Master d'Histoire Economique à la London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) avec Distinction, en double diplôme avec Sciences Po Lyon en Master Relations internationales.Après un Baccalauréat Littéraire section Européenne mention Très Bien (moyenne générale 19,27/20, et 20/20 aux écrits et oraux de français et d'anglais entre autres), j'ai suivi une année de Classe Préparatoire Littéraire (A/L) au Lycée du Parc à Lyon, puis intégré sur concours l’Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Lyon directement en 2ème année.En 2021 j'ai validé ma Licence de Sciences politiques et sociales à Sciences Po Lyon par une année de mobilité Erasmus à King’s College London.Pendant cette année à Londres j'ai accompagné un élève franco-allemand du lycée Charles de Gaulle dans sa préparation et sa réussite au bac de Français, ainsi qu'en Histoire-Géographie, Sciences Économiques et Sociales et Géopolitique. Par ailleurs j'ai également donné des cours de soutien à Lyon à des lycéens préparant les épreuves de Littérature et de Philosophie au Baccalauréat et des cours de préparation aux concours d’entrée aux Instituts d’Études Politiques français (Paris et Concours Commun des Instituts de province).Mon parcours à la fois littéraire (Bac Littéraire et Prépa A/L) et politique (Sciences Po Lyon, King’s College et LSE) me permet d'offrir aux lycéens concernés par leur réussite au bac de français et/ou aux concours d’entrée des Instituts Politiques le soutien et l'encouragement adapté à leurs besoins et leur personnalité, en toute connaissance des programmes de 1ère et Terminale et des savoirs attendus aux concours des Instituts d’Etudes Politiques Paris et Province.
Je suis naturellement tout autant qualifiée pour aider votre enfant à s'améliorer en Français, Anglais, Histoire-Géographie, Philosophie, Littératures française et anglophone, Sciences Économiques et Sociales et Géopolitique.
Je dispense les cours en ligne et me tiens à votre disposition pour répondre à vos questions.
N’hésitez pas à me contacter !
+33645035363 - Teacher with more than 18 years of experience in the European Schools. Physics, Chemistry and Integrated Science courses, all levels. Very experienced in the preparation of the Bac as well as exams of S5 and S6. Provides all types of working documents: theory, exercises, tests, etc. Also, helps to learn how to study or how to organise the study. At home or online.
Contact: Dulce Helena, Tel : +32 (0) 477 43 13 83,
- Maths tutoring (27/09/2023)
As a mother of 4 children at the European School, I have been giving maths support classes for all levels of Secondary school for 10 years. I also have pupils from the Lycée Français and Belgian schools, as well as students at the start of their university studies. I studied mathematics and statistics, and I'm also a certified personal development coach. I make myself very available to my students 7 days a week, and they can write to me at any time with specific questions. I give my classes at home, in Ixelles (Bascule/Abbaye de la Cambre), direct by bus from EEB1. It's also possible to give lessons online (via Zoom).
Ariane Kress
Tel/WhatsApp : +32 (0)489 554 861
- Violin/Piano teacher
I am mom at EEB1 and also a musician. I offer violin/viola and beginner piano lessons. I have been teaching and performing music for about 20 years now, all ages, levels welcome.
Annette Homann
Phone: +49 172 7829594
Languages: German, English, basic French
- Student at the end of the Electrical Engineering cycle, Master BRUFACE (Brussels faculty of engineering) sympathetic and patient, methodical and passionate about teaching, gives courses in mathematics, physics, chemistry and computer science from S1 to S7.
Contact: François Serge Tombou
Tel: +32 (0)465 18 39 08
- Reconciling students with mathematics, physics and computer science: this is the goal I have set myself. How can I do this?
The objective of this particular course is twofold. On the one hand, to catch up with the student, by helping him to build a solid technical base in the subject of his choice. On the other hand, to guide him in his work method by aiming at productivity and academic autonomy. Having done all my studies at the European School and having given private lessons for more than 8 years, I master perfectly the mathematical and scientific program.
My support: - Available 24/7 via message/email outside of class to answer urgent questions about a course or exercise.
- Provide additional exercises if necessary.
- Organization of "mock" exams to simulate real-life evaluation conditions.
- Possibility of teaching two students at the same time if they are in the same class.
Phone/WhatsApp: +32495992027
Phone: +33668195631
- Tutoring by former substitute teacher of the EE in Math, Physics, Chemistry & Economics, given in three possible languages (EN, FR & ES). 30 years of experience in tutoring all levels, including University degrees (Med. & Eng.) and particularly in the preparation for the European Baccalaureate. Extensive experience in EE curriculum, hands-on teaching and advises on working methods. At your home or online.Contact: Stan I. / Tel: +32 (0)475 91 67 67 /
- Tutoring 1st to 4th secondary
I am a former student of the EEB1, a commercial engineer (Solvay) by training, and I have always loved mathematics. For the past four years, I have been in charge of a homework school and I have also taught English in secondary school. I do my best to help you understand, learn and remember.
Contact me on +32 (0)494 43 84 32
- Private tuition in ICT, Computer programming and maths (23/02/2021)
- Primary & secondary school ICT and Computing
- Primary & secondary school maths
- Private or group computer programming courses for young learners and adults- Games, stories and animations with MIT Scratch
- Create fun games and interactive programs in Python
- Android Apps with App Inventor
- Python Programming: From beginners to advanced learners
- Java Programming Fundamentals in Alice and Eclipse
Languages: English and Greek
Contact Details:
Ilias Papadopoulos, BSc, MSc
Tel: +32 (0) 496 79 64 53
- Private violin lessons in French, English and Spanish (23/02/2021)
A graduate of the Royal Conservatory of Brussels, I give private lessons in violin and solfeggio at home for all levels and all ages, in English, French or Spanish.
Phone: +34 616476719
- Aide aux enfants de secondaire. Je propose des cours de langue (néerlandais, anglais, italien), des cours de maths ainsi que des cours de sciences (physique et chimie). Je suis en Master 2 ingénieur commercial à l'ICHEC. J'ai eu l'occasion de donner souvent cours à des élèves de l'école européenne. Danny De Gregorio
- J'offre un accompagnement aux élèves de dernière année secondaire pour les orienter dans leur choix d'études supérieures. Bien choisir son orientation constitue une des premières décisions "adultes" pour des enfants qui sortent à peine de l'adolescence. En règle générale, jusque là, les décisions importantes ont été prises par les parents et il se peut que les jeunes gens soient perdus, stressés ou encore "sous influence" parentale au moment de se prononcer. Les décisions prises par un jeune adulte peuvent être prises en mode :
- "Soumis" : répond aux attentes des parents ou de l'environnement.
- "Rebel" : va à l'encontre des attentes des parents ou de l'environnement.
- "Responsable" : fait ce qu'il "faut" faire comme "on" lui a dit de faire.
- "Opportuniste" : de manière "impulsive", optera pour un boulot qui paie bien.
Dans tous les cas, si le choix n'est pas fait "en plein conscience", il y a de fortes chances pour qu'à moyen terme, l'ennui, les regrets et les moindres performances s'installent. Les outils que j'utilise sont reconnus et ont fait leurs preuves. Contact: Rocco Simeone; +32 (0)497 43 03 63;
- Professeure de français, agrégée de lettres, excellente pédagogue, ayant enseigné 10 ans à l'Ecole européenne, propose des cours de français L1, L2, L3 et L4. Préparation aux examens de la S4 à la S7, baccalauréat européen, soutien méthodologique, français langue étrangère pour enfants et adultes. Stages intensifs possibles pendant les vacances scolaires et le weekend. Tarif à discuter en fonction du niveau et des besoins. GSM : +32 (0)471 66 07 83.
- Experienced English teacher for all levels, having taught English in the U.K. at a central London College, gives regular classes and prepares for exams. Located near the EU institutions. Please phone Rosa Pammer, +32 (0)470 47 33 42.
- Dyslexia? Experienced teacher with diploma for teaching dyslexic children in English. She gives structured lessons using colours, letters, syllables, flash cards and lots more. Please contact Rosa Pammer, +32 (0)470 47 33 42.
- My name is Ion Aldea: PhD in Science (Math, Physics and Chemistry), experienced teacher, specialised in European Baccalaureate, I'm offering private classes, all levels. I have a private tutoring company since 2011 and a great experience as a teacher. Contact details: +32 (0)472 13 32 57 or
- Preparation for admission exams in medicine and dentistry 2018.
ClassPro Education:
- Do you need some help in German or in English ?
- French teacher foreign language :
Professeur de français langue etrangere
- English language instruction (08/10/2013)
at all levels for children or adults. Qualified American teacher helps improve your pronunciation, conversational ability, fluency, vocabulary & grammar. Assistance with homework & test preparation. C.V. writing and interview practice. Private or small group lessons. Your home or mine. Relaxed, friendly atmosphere.
For information, call 02/640.74.32 or 0497/420.601
- Art Lessons in English (12/11/2013)
By professional artist and University of London Graduate (M.A)
Classes for children age 6+ and classes for teenagers.
I can also help you prepare a portofolio if you wish to enter Higher Studies in Art/Architecture
Uccle area, Wednesday afternoon sessions, reasonable fee
Visit my website:
- Spanish lessons (12/11/2013)
De langue maternelle espagnole, j´offre mes services pour donner des cours particuliers d´espagnol pour tour niveau et à petit prix.
Je suis disponible pour la préparation d´examens ou pour des simples cours de conversation, selon vos bessoins et à votre rythme.
- French Langage courses for children (11/02/2014)
French foreign language Teacher(FLE) graduated from the Alliance française , offers French learning new program dedicated to children from 6 to 15 years'old. based on the AIM Language learning method (
Lively, fun and efective process. Adults as well.
Contact: or Mobile: 0485 727 725
Further information: Cours de français APEEE - Thierry Oury
- French lesson/ French as a foreign language lesson (11/02/2014)
Professor awarded from the Alliance française and owning a Master of Science of language, French as a foreign language option, gives French lessons, foreign language and literature, all levels. Tariffs: 20 euros/hour.
Contact : or Cell: 04 98 69 25 37.
- Young spanish chemical engineer offers particular classes (11/02/2014)
of mathematics, phisics and chemistry in spanish or english. Responsible and enthusiastic, counts with experience teaching. Goes home.
Contact: Lucia.
GSM: 0486991510 / Email:
Laureata in Scienze Politiche, seria e con lunga esperienza nel supporto allo studio, disponibile ad assistere bambini e ragazzi nei compiti e nello studio di tutte le materie, madre lingua italiana. Lezioni a domicilio. (23/06/2014)
Contattare ore serali.
Tel. 02-2804533
Diplomada en Arquitectura Técnica y con experiencia impartiendo clases, se ofrece para dar clases de matemaricas, fisica, dibujo tecnico y espanol a todos los niveles.
Graduated in Technical Architecture and experience teaching, I offer my knowledge to teach math, physics, drawing and Spanich at all levels.
Teléfono/GMS: 0487 551 524
- Institutrice expérimentée ayant travaillé quelques années à la Commission Européenne, accompagne à domicile vos enfants lors de devoirs de français et durant les vacances scolaires.
Mercredi, jeudi et vendredi .
Tarif: 20 euros/ heure
Contact : Mme Studer au 0477 52 59 52
Email :
- MBA makes ± 90% of his students succeed in Economy, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry as well as in Dutch, French and German, since 1975. (05/05/2015)
Further information: please click here
Contact: Willem Adrianus de Bruijn 0486 691 176
- Cours privés de maths, physique, chimie, sciences à Bruxelles (13/10/2015)
En français, anglais ou italien.
Je suis un chercheur professionnel avec une expérience reconnue dans l'enseignement et un dossier de réalisations importantes.
Contact : Leonardo Benucci
Email :
- Experienced native English and Spanish tutor (13/10/2015)
Familiar with ELE & ESL courses and trained in the Waldorf Pedagogics. Currently teaching at VUB University.
Fluent in other European languages. All levels. Children & Adults.
- Professeur à Sciences Po Paris propose préparation adaptée aux IEP (dossier, épreuves écrites, oral) à Bruxelles. (13/10/2015)
Pour tous renseignements:
- Professeur de langue maternelle italienne offre cours de conversation, grammaire, expression écrite, aide pour examen de rattrapage et Erasmus, pour enfants et adultes.
Je corrige et/ou supervise également tous vos documents, mémoires, rapports et autres dossiers: structure, orthographe, syntaxe, style.
10 ans d’expérience dans l'enseignement de l'italien, a tous les niveaux.
Diplômé en Pédagogie et Science de l’Éducation.
GSM: 0486-857754
- Private or group tuition in Biology/Chemistry/Science (all levels) by UK qualified teacher (Durham/Oxford) with several years' experience.
Contact : 0465 400 157
- Private support courses in Mathematics, French (21/12/2016)
Experienced and motivating personne available to give private support courses to pupils up to 4th Secondary (14 years old). Can also help with organisation and method. Can come to your home.
Contact : 0473 71 02 66
- Estudiante de ingeniería y antiguo alumno de la escuela europea ofrece clases particulares en español de asignaturas de ciencias (matemáticas, física, química, biología). Disponibilidad para impartir clases a domicilio.
Contacto : 0472585128
- Cours de soutien en Mathématiques, Physique, Economie (19/09/2017)
Détenteur d'un Master en Economie, personne d'expérience ayant travaillé dans le secteur financier (aimant les chiffres !).
Ayant l'habitude de motiver les enfants, disponible afin de transmettre ses connaissances par le biais de cours de soutien pour élèves jusqu'en 4ème secondaire.
Aide possible en organisation et méthodologie de travail.
Se rend à domicile dans la mesure du possible.
Français niveau C2 - langue maternelle and English level C1
GMS : 0497 34 10 45
Email :
Beginner, intermediate and advanced levels.
Languages we offer: English, French, Dutch, German, Italian, Spanish, Greek, Polish, Chinese, Turkish, Arabic, Russian.
Other languages may be provided on demand.
All information: FLY Offer to EU schools