About Us


The statutes of the European Schools define the Parents' Association as the official body for cooperation between the school and the parents. In EEBI, this is a Not-For-Profit Association called the ‘Parents’ Association of the European School Brussels I’ (Association des Parents d'Élèves de l'École Européenne de Bruxelles I), hereafter referred to as the APEEE. The work of the APEEE is based on the voluntary work of its active members, i.e. the delegates elected by the parents.

Unlike in other European Schools, the APEEE is a separate and distinct AISBL from the APEEE Services ASBL, which manages the transport, canteen (in Uccle), extra-curricular programme, lockers, and Friday daycare-services on which most families strongly rely. This separation allows the APEEE to concentrate on the education and school life of the children.

The APEEE works primarily to obtain the best possible conditions for the children's education and to make the ‘voice of the family’ heard.

Its role is to :

  • encourage the widest possible participation of parents in school life
  • represent the educational interests of parents in the school's decision-making bodies and with local, regional and European authorities
  • collaborate in solving problems posed to parents by their children's education
  • improve communication between the school and parents
  • help to prevent disciplinary problems and risky behaviours.

The APEEE ensures that parents are represented on official decision-making bodies:

  • it sits on the school's Administrative Board
  • it sits on the Primary and Secondary Education Councils
  • it is involved in school- and system-level working groups
  • it is a member of INTERPARENTS and works closely with the other European Schools in Brussels.

Please find our statutes here:

APEEE Statutes

All parents are welcome!

The APEEE is a forum for dialogue and action open to all parents, regardless of language section.

All parents or guardians of pupils at the European School Brussels 1 can become members by paying an annual subscription. A large part of this amount is used to pay for the coordination work of the Association's secretariat.

We encourage all parents to take part! Our working groups and volunteer initiatives actively seek broad parent involvement. It can be a lot of work, but it can also be incredibly absorbing, and quite fun!

Useful documents

You may read more about us here:
 APEEE Introductory Pack 2024-2025: Uccle | Berkendael
APEEE/APEEE Services presentation flyer
 APEEE Cheat Sheet - 2022

Last update: 14/09/2024